26 June, 2013

Eureka Skydeck

Eureka Skydeck is a prominent landmark in Melbourne CBD (Central Business District). At 92-stories, it is the tallest building in Melbourne, and 2nd tallest in Australia.
Eureka Skydeck
Visitors are permitted to the observation deck on the 88th floor. The ticket price is AUD18.50. If you've been to the top of other skyscrapers, such as Kuala Lumpur's KL Tower, Seattle's Space Needle, or Auckland's Sky Tower, you'll know what to expect: 360-degrees panorama view of the city.
Western view of Melbourne city
Northeastern view of Melbourne city
Me on the observation deck
What's interesting about Eureka Skydeck is the top floors are actually luxury apartments, unlike the other towers, which are mostly office space. The apartments are so luxurious, the windows on the top floors are gold-plated, which is what gives the tower that gold shine. I wonder who would live in (and could afford) one. Russian billionaires? Chinese tycoons? Malaysian politicians?
See that? That's 24-carat gold plating

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